3 Websites where Physicians, Nurses, and PAs can earn CME credit

Every Physician or healthcare professional knows the importance of earning CME credits. They ensure that health professional stay up to date with their knowledge and continue refine their clinical skill. There are When it comes to earning continuing medical education (CME) credits, there are various options available that a variety of different learning styles. Here are 3 reputable websites that offer CME credits.

1. Boardvitals CME

Boardvitals CME is in question format and can be done on a computer or smart phone the way it works is that you first have to answer the board style cases questions you don’t have to review the rationales for the incorrect responses. Once you have done the steps you have no earned board approved credits. One of the cool features about the board vital CME platform is that it comes with a CME coach which is an online tool

According to the boardvitals website the CME credits are PRA  category one. As as far as  how many questions it takes to earn CME credit, the website states that one CME credit equates to about 20 to 25 questions from one question bank

2. Statpearls CME

StatPearls CME subscription gives you access to 6768 activities with PubMed indexed content from 187 specialties. The CME activities consist of an article which is peer reviewed followed by multiple choice questions. For pricing options statpearls contains a six month option for $399 an annual option for $599 and a lifetime option for $2999 .

Having used this resource before as a study aid in medical school, the best feature is how comprehensive yet succinct the review articles are. Additionally, the articles are broken down into segments which makes it extremely easy to follow along and not get lost. Statpearls also has some free CME activities.

3. Audiodigest CME

AudioDigest is a platform that delivers CME lectures it contains over 750 audio board review lectures that covers 16 medical specialties, and can be used by physician assistants , and nurse practitioners.

The way users earn credits is that they first take a pre assessment, listen to the audio style lectures and then take a post test. In order to earn credit a score of 80% or higher must be scored on the post test.

The platform offers three different memberships to choose from. The platinum membership offers users unlimited access to the entire library which includes over 4000 lectures and weekly updates. This subscription cost $999.

The gold membership is specialty focused and gives users access to over 150 lectures. Subscription to this membership cost $699

Finally the silver membership gives users access to lectures specific to only bear specialty. Subscription to this a membership cost $499.

Each membership subscription comes with a CME tracker tool, and is compatible with a desktop or mobile app

One of the cons of audio digest is that it frequently encounters loading problems. Additionally one of the biggest problems is that users state that it will not download more than one lecture at a time.

AudioDigest’s courses are accredited by several bodies, including the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), and the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), among others.

In addition to access to the latest selection of CME courses, the platform offers access to past courses so that physicians can review material they may have previously completed.

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