8 Best  Websites for Free MCAT practice questions

One of the most important ways to prepare for the MCAT is through taking practice test. Over the past few years many 3rd party test prep companies have arisen and offer practice individual practice tests or bundles of practice tests which pre medical students can purchase and use to prepare for the MCAT exam. While these practice exams are certainly useful, ultimately they are very expensive to access which leaves many students not financially able to adequately prepare for the MCAT. However there are free practice tests all ove the internet which definitely can play a role in preparing you for the MCAT. In this article I will be discussing 8 websites for free MCAT practice questions.

Varsity tutors MCAT practice questions

This website contains a number of free MCAT practice exams. To access them all you do is click here, then choose from which ever tests that you want to take. 

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As you can see, in addition to practice tests, they also contain Diagnostic tests which can be used in the beginning of your MCAT studies to gauge where you are and identify where your weaknesses are. Throughout your studying you can then use one of the Free Varsity tutors MCAT practice tests to further reinforce concepts 

The Princeton Review Free MCAT practice Tests

The Princeton Review offers a free full length MCAT Practice test as well as a free trial for their MCAT prep courses. To access the free full length practice test, click here. Then just select the option which says Full Length practice test. 

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To access the Free trial of the MCAT prep course, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see an image that looks like the one shown below. You then just simply select the option which says MCAT Prep Free Trial.

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Additionally, they offer a free 10 question assessment quiz which you can register for by signing up here. One of the reasons why I recommend using a free Princeton Review Practice test to assess yourself is because these tests are notoriously known for being more difficult than the actual MCAT exam. By using this as an initial guage you will be setting a high standard for yourself at the beginning of your standards which is a good thing because you will essentially be overpreparing for your exam. At the same time however, be careful  not be too alarmed when you get your initial practice test score because you do not want to become discouraged.

Khan Academy Free MCAT practice questions

Khan Academy is an online learning platform that is made up of Video Lectures organized into playlists. In addition to lectures and practice questions on materials ranging from Kindergarten all the way to College they have lecture series for standardized exams such as the MCAT

Their MCAT playlist is organized into 10 unites and covers the 4 topics on the MCAT which are CARS, Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems, Chemical and Physical Foundations of Living Systems as well as Psychological, Social, and Biological Systems.

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While there is no way to take a full length practice MCAT exam on the Khan Academy platform, you are still able to do the free practice questions that comes with the associated Foundation Lesson. For example after you watch the section on Alcohol and Phenols, you can then answer the 10 questions which follow. And of course the entire MCAT question bank is free!

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Jack Westin Free MCAT test

Jack Westin is an MCAT tutoring service which offers a 6 week Virtual MCAT CARS course. In addition to his service, however the website contains 10 Free MCAT CARS practice exams.

 The exams are the same length as the CARS section on the MCAT and even mirror the interface of the actual MCAT exam so you are able to better simulate actual testing conditions. Additionally, another part of his exams that I really like is that he includes actionable strategies for how to approach the test. Although these strategies are the ones that he teaches in his course, they are easy to follow and will be found helpful by even those who never enrolled in his course. This is definitely

Additionally, you can sign up to receive a free MCAT CARS passage of the day. In addition to just the CARS question banks, jack Westin’s website also has a variety of other subjects from which you can make your own custom practice test. The types of questions range from AAMC style discrete 

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Kaplan Free MCAT practice questions

Kaplan allows you to sign up for a free MCAT practice test. To do so simply visit their website which can be found here. Once you are there simply click on the purple rectangle which says sign up. The practice test includes all of the MCAt sections questions, and you also get access to the Kaplan Question bank which has 230 practice questions as well as the Kaplan Study Planner all for 30 days. This is definitely worth signing up for if you are taking the MCAt in a few months.

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In addition to the free practice exams, Kaplan also offer other free options such as a free question of the day, as well as a free 16 question practice set. To access these free resources you just have to click on the purple rectangles below once you arrive at this page.

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AAMC MCAT practice tests

In addition to the paid Full Length Exams which can be purchased on the AAMC website, the AAMC also offers a free Sample test that does not provide real score out of 528, but does give you a raw percentage correct. While not receiving a real score may not seem useful, the raw percentage can still give you value because it can tell you where you are likely score on the test day, and gives you a decently accurate baseline. Additionally there are a number of online score predictors into which you can put your raw percentage in and get an accurate estimator of what you will score on the real thing.

One consensus among many students is that the AAMC sample test is easier then what you will actually see on test day and is easier compared to the other practice exams. Personally I felt that this was only the case in the CARS section. Nonetheless, the Sample test is still valuable 

Magoosh MCAT prep

Magoosh offers a variety of free mCAT resources from study guides to study schedules as well in depth question explantons to the AAMC Full length practice exams, all of which are free. Additionally, you can sign up for one of their own free practuce exams by going here and signing up.

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Gold Standard Free MCAT test

Gold Standard MCAT prep is a test prep company which offers a variety of courses as well as exams for individual sections or full exams.

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In addition to the many paid services that Gold Standard offers, It also offers 1 hour of MCAT tutorial videos for free as well as a free MCAT practice test that includes all four sections of the actual MCAT as well as 230 questions (like the real thing!) After you take the free exam you can also share your experience of how the exam went with other students on the Gold Standard Discussion Board. Personally I found this helpful during my own MCAT prep because 

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To access the practice tests, simply visit the section which says Free MCAT Practice Test. 

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MCAT Blue Print Free Practice Questions

When it comes to free MCAT practice materials, MCAT BluePrint is certainly one of the ones that takes first place. Not only do they have a free MCAT practice test which you can take by simply registering your personal info, they also have 1600 free MCAT Flashcards, a comprehensive checklist, a sample of there course, as well as a study planner which students can use to personalize their study plan. Having used MCAt blueprint (formerly called Nextstep) I can personally attest to the fact that all of their exams are extremely close to resembling the actual MCAT, right down to the interface to the font size. I highly recommend taking their sample test and if you can afford it, taking one of their coursesGraphical user interface, application

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