How to Study for the MCAT

The MCAT is a graduate level test used to evaluate potential M.D. candidates for admission into Medical School. I personally took it myself and scored above the 80th percentile. While it may seem like a daunting task to study for the MCAT, In actuality , with a well put together strategy, anyone can succeed on it. While it is not easy it can certainly be done. In this article I will be giving tips on how to study for the MCAT.

What is the best way to study for the MCAT?

Use Full Length Exams to Study for the MCAT

Full Length Exams are going to be your best friend for the MCAT. unlike other exams in which your success is predicated on consuming a lot of knowledge, Success on the MCAT is determined by how well you can problem solve and efficiently answer difficult high level thinking questions, I might sound hard but this is a skill that most people can develop with enough effort.

Use Flashcards To Study for the MCAT

Flashcards are an important tool when it comes to mastering information over a long period of time. They allow you repetition of information over specific intervals of time which results in a stronger and grasp of the information

Tell me if this sounds like you. You go over the information once. You start to get a general grasp of the information, and then you never review what you have learned. COme test day you sit there staring at a question that you know you have seen before but you cannot quite remember the correct answer.

This happens because your brain has not formed strong enough synapses around the information and therefore you only have vague understanding of the material.

In order to strengthen these synapses over the long term it is imperative that you use flashcards when you are studying for the MCAT

When I took the MCAT I made the mistake of not using Flashcards initially. What ended up happening was that I would forget everything that I spent so long trying to learn 2 weeks later. Eventually I realized that you have to continue reinforcing and solidifying the new information you learn so that you

How Should I start studying for the MCAT

Choose a good MCAT course to study for the MCAT

Choosing a good course to study for the MCAT will come down to a variety of  Factors. However the two MCAT courses I think are  the most helpful are  the Princeton Review, and Magoosh.

  • The Princeton Review gives you more options based on what your target score.
  • For example, they have a course for those wanting to get a 513 as well as a course for those wanting to get above a 515. I go in depth into both of these here.
  • Additionally The Princeton Review courses are tailored based on whether or not you prefer to self study, or prefer a more guided program in which you are in a classroom setting, and there is a set schedule.
  • I like the Magoosh MCAT course because it is not as pricy however you still get a lot of value from it because of how quality the materials are. I personally did not use Magoosh as a formal study plan, but rather I used their resources for additional practice.

Schedule and Plan when to study for the MCAT

As the To emphasize why planning is so important. Consider my own example .Initially when I did not have a plan for how I was going to study for the MCAT I found myself going in circles as far as my retention of the information. So for example, If I realized I was doing bad on physics questions I spent a month just doing physics questions. At the end of the month I eventually was getting every physics question correct However, it came at the cost of becoming weaker in the other areas of the MCAT that I did not spend as much time on.

Take a diagnostic test before you Study For the MCAT

Taking a Diagnostic Test will point out all of your deficiencies and give you a good sense of direction of where you need to focus most of your efforts for studying for the MCAT. I would not expect to score well on this exam because it is only meant as a guide. However, Having this data is an invaluable part of the process of studying for the MCAT. Various websites offer a Free Diagnostic test. A few that I would recommend taking are the Princeton Review Free Practice Test as well as the Magoosh Free Practice Test.

When Should I take an MCAT prep Course?

Earlier the better

I would take an MCAT course as early as possible because they really provide a solid foundation and structure to your MCAT studying initially. Taking a course earlier on will help you to better identify where your weaknesses are as well as make sure that you are ontrack to take the MCAT on your desired date.  If you decide to enroll into a course too late or too close to your exam date you may not get the same benefit as enrolling in a course early and slowly digesting the information to ensure you have a solid understanding of the material

Take it during your pre med classes

Taking it during your Pre Med Classes can also be a good thing as it can bhave a dual effect. It can help you to more efficiently study for your actual classes and serve as an extra study resource, while also helping you on your way to Acing the MCAT.

Is Kaplan or Princeton Review books better for MCAT?

Using The Princeton Review to study for the MCAT

The Princeton Review MCAT books contain quiz questions interwoven into each chapter. Additionally, utilizing the Princeton Review Books is great because it pairs nicely with the other Princeton Review Resources such as the Princeton Review mobile app which gives you access to flashcards, as well as the Princeton Review MCAT prep courses. Additionally I thought the princeton Review book did a great job of explaining important concepts in great depth, and highlighting which things were very high yield. 

Personally if I had to choose between the two would say that the Princeton Review is a better resource, just because of how well written the books are as well as how good of a service the course is.

Use Kaplan to study for the MCAT CARS section

I thought that Kaplan had good practice questions particularly for the CARS section. I would say between Princeton Review and Kaplan, the Kaplan books and Practice Exams had a more representative CARS section.

Is the AAMC MCAT Prep Worth it?

Prioritize the AAMC materials to study for the MCAT.

These are the test writers of the Exam so their exam is the best out there. However do not use them too early on.

How long do you need to study for the MCAT

This basically depends on what your current obligations, and the score that you are trying to achieve. Additionally you also have to consider your background in the subjects that are going to be tested. I personally had many weak points in subjects such as physics. Additionally, I am someone who likes to take my good ole time when it comes to preparing for high stakes exams such as the MCAT. After all, It is my future.

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