KenHub vs Question Bank: Which is better for Medical Students? and KenHub are two Anatomy question banks that are commonly used by medical students. Although popular, these question banks are both very different from each other. Which one is preferrable when it comes to learning Anatomy for medical students? In this article I will be doing an objective comparison of both KenHub and the question bank
The price for is 8.99/month for 1 month, 79.99/month per year and $225.00 for life.

- The Price for Kenhub is $39.00/month for 1 month, $29/month for 3 months and $250.00 for Life

What are the Key features of KenHub and features Question Bank features
Organized powerpoints that are easy to navigate: Each unit contains easy to go through powerpoint slides which point out the high yield information for each organ system.
Comprehensive answer explanations: After you answer the question there is a detailed explanation
multiple choice questions: The Question Bank contains quiz questions that go along with each organ system. These questions have 4 difficulty levels which are Basic, intermediate, Advanced, and Expert. The questions are more application type questions, which some identification type. Additionally all of the questions for Anatomy .app will typically come with some kind of Visualization, while others may not have a visualization. This is an important bonus to have for an anatomy question bank because it allows you to not just memorize important anatomical clinical correlates, but also to draw an important picture of the anomy in your head.
Provides raw score: after you take the quiz you can see your raw score. This seems like a small thing but it actually is extremely convenient to not have to manually tally up all of the questions you got correct.
KenHub Question Bank Features
Mixed question types: contains a mix of multiple choice exam type questions, and also has identification questions which are titled Basic level questions. Similar to
Descriptive articles: Each unit in KenHub contains articles with charts that breakdown the function and location of each body part
How is the interface for Anatomy .app and KenHub Question Bank One thing I noticed was that the text on the website very big and is well spaced out relative to the other items on the page. While you may feel neutral about this, I really appreciate this about there interface because I tend to have a difficult time reading text which is too small or spaced too closely together on a web page.
KenHub: For the most part KenHub is easy to navigate through however each section contains a bit too much information for the amount of space on the webs screen. Rather than using succinct bullets KenHub organizes the information in paragraphs and in charts. While this may be helpful for some I find it to be a bit more difficult to absorb information when the information is formatted in this way.
How are the questions formatted
The Questions for Anatomy.App are in a multiple choice format. They focus mainly on ensuring you have a strong understanding of Anatomy basics and do not really stray too much into the clinical side of things. I very much like this about because it makes it more useful early for just trying to get an elementary understanding of anatomy. For me personally I wanted an Anatomy question bank that accomplished this.
KenHub’s Anatomy questions tie in a little bit of clinical information. Additionally they tend to ask about very minute details such as arteries which you will never be tested on. While this is useful for a better overall understanding of anatomy, it is not necessarily helpful for learning Anatomy in the time constrained environment of Medical School.
Does Kenhub or have videos
While does not have Videos, they do have a very useful text to speech feature which appears as a pair of microphones on the slideshow dashboard.
KenHub does contain various videos that are matched with the various articles. These videos come with a transcript.
Which one should I get
Having used both of these Resources, I would say that is better because it contains more high yield information, and the interface gives you a better quizzing experience since you have the ability to adjust the difficulty level of the exams. Additionally the prices are extremely affordable for medical students.
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