StatPearls CME Question Bank Review: Is it Worth it

As a healthcare Professional working in clinical practice one of the most important things is to ensure that you are always refurbishing your knowledge base with the best up to date CME resources. One popular CME resource which is commonly used is StatPearls which is a large database that contains a comprehensive set of peer reviewed articles as well as question banks. Just how good and reliable are the StatPearls CME resources? In this article I will be giving a comprehensive review of StatPearls CME.

How much is StatPearls CME Question Bank?

The Price of the StatPearls CME question Bank varies. You can get a 6 month plan for $249.00, an annual plan for $349.00 as well as a Lifetime Plan for $2499.00.

StatPearls CME Question Bank Features

Thousands of CME activities

There are 6,562 CME activities in the StatPearls library, and in total there are over 70, 000 multiple choice questions which are divided over 581 specialties.

You can see the rest of the list on the website. Just click on where it says Physician then scroll down to where it says CME.

StatPearls CME Question Bank Format and Interface

The format overall is very user friendly. The activities themselves are articles which are then followed by quizzes which vary in length. To access the activity, you just log in go to your dashboard, and then type in the specific activity that you want to complete.

The layout as you can see is very organized. The interface keeps track of of your progress letting you know how many CME hours that you have completed

After you read through the article and complete the quiz with a passing score, StatPearls sends you a CME certificate with the amount of hours that the particular CME activity corresponds with.

One of the other very cool things about the StatPearls Interface is the User Dashboard. If you click on CME it takes your dashboard which shows all of the data around your CME progress. The Dashboard shows you how many CME activities you have completed, how many CME hours you have completed, and it also gives you the option of viewing which activities are still in progress as well as the activities that you have completed

below is a video that shows the quality of the navigation through the StatPearls Question Bank

I go into further details into the difficulty as well as the style of the questions in the part two video. You can watch this below:

StatPearls CME part 2: In this video I go into more depth into the question types

StatPearls CME Question Bank: Question type

The questions are all multiple choice and mirror the format of board style questions. you get a immediate response when you input your answer. So if you select an answer that is incorrect the system immediately tells you and lets you keep trying until you select a correct answer. When you select an answer correctly, the explanation shows up at the bottom of the screen. this is great because you don’t have to wait until the end of the assessment to see how you performed.

Is the StatPearls CME Question Bank Peer Reviewed?

Yes the activities as well as the question are peer reviewed by 7,892 contributors, authors, as well as editors.

StatPearls CME Plans

How long does StatPearls CME Question Bank access last for

The length of your subscription access to the StatPearls CME package varies depending on which subscription plan which you decide to purchase. Your access can be for as little as 1 month to as long as a lifetime of access.

Which other Healthcare Professionals can use StatPearls CME Question Bank?

There are a variety of different StatPearls Continuing Education for all kinds of healthcare professionals. For example There is a Nurse CE Unlimited Plan which gives unlimited access to over 6000 activities. There are other continuing Education plans for Allied health groups and Pharmacists.

Are there Institutional plans for CME activities?

Yes StatPearls contains a variety of institutional plans. Institutions are able to purchase a fully learning management system which consists of a variety of user metrics. This learning management system can be used with residencies, colleges, Medical Schools, as well as other learning institutions. These features are seen below and is from the website itself:

Other StatPearls CME products

StatPearls ebook

in addition to the StatPearls CME plan online, StatPearls question banks can also be purchased in ebook form (kindle) on Amazon. The ebooks can be used for Board and certification review and are broken down by specialty. The books cover all of the CME specialties and are available immediately upon purchase.

StatPearls app

The StatPearls CME question bank and activities can also be viewed on the Statpearls app which is available for android and apple devices. The app contains all of the indexed and peer reviewed articles associated with each CME activity.

The StatPearls CME activities can be accessed on the mobile application

Is StatPearls CME worth it

The price range as well as the variety of features make this definitely worth the price if you are a healthcare professional looking for more quality CME materials.

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StatPearls Question Bank Review

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