Best online  workout programs for busy schedules

One of the hardest parts about working out is not actually the workouts themselves, but it is finding the time to actually go top the gym and workout. When life gets hectic it is almost impossible to to force ourselves to go and actually commit to spending time in the gym. Additionally, most workout programs call for spending massive amounts of time in the gym. Which online workout programs are actually suitable for individuals who lead busy lives? In this article I will be reviewing on the best online workout programs for busy schedules

Blast your biceps

This is an 8 week program which contains a variety of different workouts that specifically target your upper body.  It is priced at 17 dollars and also includes other free things such as a supplement guide, a nutrition guide, as well as a body transformation tracker. 

If you are not satisfied with the product then you are guaranteed a 60 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.

In total there are 3 phases to this workout program. the first phase is focused on total body conditioning, the second phase focuses on putting muscle on your upper body, and the final phase focuses on being able to train past failure.


Priced at $27.00, This is a simple and easy to follow guide on how to build a bigger upper body. It includes at home workouts, and specifically goes into detail on which exercises target which muscle groups. Additionally it includes many other free guides that include training for other body regions as well as general body building techniques.

Visual Impact kettlebells

This program shows you basically everything you need to know to achieve a lean physique using only kettle bells. The program is meant for those who wish to strengthen their joints, improve glute strength, as well as burn body fat

The program is divided into 3 separate phases which vary based on “fast” vs “slow tension” workouts.

This program is great for all levels including beginners. All of the workouts are filmed, and give in depth instruction on how to perform them so you don’t have to worry about not knowing how to do certain exercises. 

Additionally, if you do not see the results that you want within 60 days then you get all of your money back no questions asked.

The program is priced at a very affordable $37.00

Building muscle

  • This is a plan which focuses on building muscle without using a gym or excessive workout equipment. This is the perfect plan if you are very strapped for time.
  • What makes this program unique is that it uses a concept called TIme volume training, in which you do a certain amount of reps with a small amount of rest for certain time period. Based on if you are able to complete the reps then you continuously shorten the rest time and increase the weight. This is quite unique because it takes the guesswork out of trying to figure out when you should increase the amount fo weight you are lifting.

Muscle Gaining Secrets

Prices at $19.95, this plan is mostly targeted for skinny individuals looking to put on more muscle. It includes a 90 day guide which is easy to follow as well as 30 days free online access to an online community. You can see the testimonials from this product online here.


This program is more geared towards those looking to put on more size in the form of muscle. In addition to the workouts, the program also comes with additional things such as tips for mental preparation for any competition, powerlifting diet guides, as well as low fat foods to help you achieve your results.

The program directly targets specific issues which individuals who have trouble with putting on mass which includes not focusing on progressive overload

If you are not happy with your results then the program has money back guarantee no questions asked.


The price is a very fair $37.00

Minimalist muscle blitz

This program focuses on simple easy to follow workouts, and aims to eliminate unnecessary long and drawn out workouts. The program was created by online personal trainer and weight training coach Eric Bach. THe program is designed for men between the ages 25-55 who lead busy lives, and may not have enough time to workout. 

This program includes the actual training program which contains only 4 unique workouts, exclusive access to the minimalist muscle blitz workout community, a progress tracker, a travel guide, as well as a modification guide in the event that the gym which you are attending does not have a particular piece of workout equipment needed for a certain exercise


The program is priced at only $19.00

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