10 Best Sources to find practice Embryology Questions For Medical School

For Many Medical Students, Embryology is a very difficult course. it requires thinking of how structures develop in 3 dimensional space. This kind of mental gymnastics is definitely not easy to do. A good way that medical students can master embryology is to utilize question banks after you have learned the basic principles. The problem with this is that finding the best embryology questions banks is easier said that done. However this does not mean that there are no good embryology question banks out there. In this Article I will be discussing the best embryology question banks for medical students.


StatPearls contains a question bank with over 572 USMLE style questions. Although you have to pay for this resource, the prices are still very affordable. Personally, I believe this is well worth the investment because the large number of questions gives you more than enough opportunity to solidify your ability to answer any embryology question.

Texas tech University health Sciences Center El Paso

This is a resource which contains both basic embryology as well as embryology which is specific to a particular organ system. All of the questions are written in multiple choice and you can see your scire by 

If you want to see the correct answer, then all you do is click on the answer and it immediately show you if your  answer is right or not in a separate window. 

Langmans Medical Embryology

This resource contains  basic developmental embryology. It is not specific to any one organ system. The test is a pdf document which is from the Developing Human text.


THis resource contains a set of practice questions for first year medical students. To access the questions all you have to do is click the download button which is located in the top right in green. The questions are all written in multiple choice. The only thing  don’t like about this resource is that the answers are located right below the questions, so you just have to be careful to not 

In total the document contains 16  pages. You can see some of the questions in the image below


This resource contains a general pathology question which contains embryology questions. In total there are 52 embryology questions. You have the option to take the questions sequentially or you can click onthe question index and take the questions out of order. The questions are in multiple choice format.

Draw it to Know it 

This resource has a series of drawing tutorials in which users are shown step by step how to draw certain topics relevant to embryology as wella s anatomy and a variety of other topics. Each Lecture and video comes with a quiz that can be taken before or after  the tutorials. There are a total of 500 quiz questions. This question bank is perfect for embryology because embryology in general is very heavy on understanding spatial relationships. Some of the features of the full resource are shown below.

In addition to the quiz questions there a number of very helpful exercises that serve as drills to help you understand difficult concepts. These include things such as filling out charts and answering non multiple choice short essay type questions.

Duke Medicine Embryology

This resource contains a set of multiple choice and short answer questions about general embryology. Most of the questions are focused around the process of early embryogenesis, and are based on the Langman’s Medical embryology text. One of the cool things about this website is that it contains links to other very helpful resources for courses such as Histology. These links can be seen in the website header.

Anatomy Bootcamp

Anatomy Bootcamp is learning platform which contains a comprehensive set of questions and gross anatomical images for every organ system. Additionally, the platform contains select anatomy courses which includes a course on embryology.

The questions cover all of the organ systems, in addition to general embryological  development. 

The questions are written in a multiple choice style format, and the interface allows you to label questions based on how well you know them. An example can be seen in the image below.


This contains a set of 120 questions that touch on various embryological topics such as early general early development, germ layers and organ development. One thing that I really like about this resource is that the answers are directly after the answer so you do not have to keep scrolling to the bottom of the age or to a different page to view the correct answer. Additionally they cluster questions which are from the same organ system together.

Books with Practice Embryology Questions

BRS Embryology

This resource is a textbook with multiple choice style questions meant to prepare students for board exams. It contains the following:

  • Has a total of 220 USMLE exam style questions
  • both a print and online version
  • multiple choice exam questions at the end of each chapter
  • has a typical chapter by chapter format so its a good option for those who like to go into a lot of detail on a subject
  • High quality images that includes radiology
  • Contains tables which offer quick summaries of important information
  • The online text is very search friendly which allows you to search up information from any chapter very quickly
  • The Quick Scan Outline format allows you

In conclusion

As you can see there are a variety of great resources out there for Embryology. Whichever one you choose will ultimately come down to your learning style and your budget. If you are currently finding the class difficult or do not know how to handle the more difficult embryological topics, then consider using any one of the resources mentioned in this article.

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