Best Grocery stores for doing the Carnivore Diet as a student

The carnivore Diet has become popular in the last few years. As more people look to experiment with the diet or try it out for themselves, many questions arise. In particular Students (medical, undergraduate, or even graduate) have started to looking the diet. Many people think that doing a carnivore diet may be too expensive for them, or do not necessarily know where to get carnivore friendly food. In this article I will be giving a list of the best grocery stores for Students wanting to do the carnivore diet.

US wellness meats

This is an online grocery store known for its collection of grass fed meats, and large selection of organs. It is one of the few places that has rare organs such as grass fed  bone marrow, kidney, spleen, and adrenals. Additionally l they sell suet and tallow which can be purchased in large 5 lb containers or small 1.7 lb pail containers.

Other unique food items that they have include grass fed pemmican, as well as grass fed beef jerky. The only downside to this company is that some of the ground beef cuts tend to be a little bit on the pricier side.

Wildfork Foods

What I like about Wild Fork Foods is that they are in select stores nationwide. FOrtunately for me, I live in Florida and there happened to be one about 40 minutes away from me. You can see if there is a wildfork foods store near you by going on the store locator

Some pros of Wild fork Foods is the price of the ground beef cuts.

For example you can get the 90% organic grass fed ground beef for $6.44. This is a very good deal compared to other places which charge as high as 10.00 per pound for the leaner cuts.

Frankies free range meats

This is an online store which contains a variety of animal based foods such as organs, various cuts of beef, as well as products such as pemmican bars. What makes this grocery store unique and a great option for those on the carnivore diet is the fact that they sell grass fed brain. It may sound gross but brain is actually very good tasting and hard to source. Additionally Frankie’s free range Meats also has a variety of healthy fats such as beef suet, and beef belly. This is definitely a good store to shop from if you want more variety in your carnivore diet.

Force of Nature Meats

Located in Texas, this company is known for its practice of regenerative agriculture. This is a great option if you like game meat such as venison and elk, or other cuts such as bison and boar. The only negative side for this company is that they have an order minimum, However if you go to their store locator you may be able to find stores near you that sell this product. Personally I know of a couple stores such as Food Lion which carries Force of nature Venison patties!

Sprouts (Durham Ranch)

I like Sprouts because they typically carry true grass fed meat, and are also one of the few stores that carries high quality grass fed game meat. Additionally, they will periodically have sales in which the game meat from Durham farms such as the venison is reduced down to only $8.00/pound. This is a huge bargain compared to the normally priced 11.99 per pound. Below are all of the cuts of meat which Durham Ranch offers. Although Durham Ranch does not deliver directly and  is mainly in Sprouts, i have seen online Costco stores carry this cut of meat

Whole Foods

I was debating putting Whole Foods on this list. I think Whole Foods is a good option if you are traveling to a different city and are looking for an place that sells grass fed ground beef. Some of the ground beef that they carry is labeled as grass fed  however the meat is not grass finished. 

They do have some other decent animal based products such as beef tallow, bone broth, nd beef jerky, but it is not of the highest quality.


Walmart is the only in person store which sells marketside butcher grass fed grass finished meat. This ground beef can be purchased in protein/fat ratios of 80%, 85%, 90%, and 93%. Additionally they feature meat from the brand Market side Butcher which sells 93% ground beef for as little as $7.28/ pound.


BJs does not have the largest selection of grass fed meat however they do have a selection of healthy grass fed ground beef from verde farms. Verde Farms cattle roam on grass land freely and are not fed grain, antibiotics, or other hormones. In addition to being extremely healthy, Verde farms grass fed ground beef is very affordable. You can purchase 3 lbs for $19.99.

In Conclusion

As you can see there are a lot of good grocery stories that are Carnivore friendly. If you choose any of the ones on this list you are sure to save money while still enjoying high quality healthy meat

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