Lecturio Question Bank Review: Is the Medical Premium Membership Worth it?

Lecturio is a question bank that is very popular in healthcare education. It is used by Medical students, residents, Nurse practitioners, Physician Assistants, and even Pre-meds. In particular it seems to be the most popular among medical students. This makes sense though because  there is a  large amount of high stakes exams in the medical career, and utilizing a good question bank is a key part of being successful on these exams. The question remains then, How good is the Lecturio Question Bank for medical students? In this article I will be giving an honest and objective review that answers this question

Lecturio Question bank Features


  • $34.99/month for 3 months
  • $24.99/month for 1 year
  • $19.99/month for 2 years
  • $14.99/month for 4 years

Question Difficulty

Questions in the Lecturio question bank have medium difficulty. I would say that they are a little bit more on the direct side. They mainly test if you know the content well. The questions are not overly focused on critical thinking and advanced test taking strategy like True Learn and Amboss question Banks. In general I would say Lecturio is a bit less difficult than True Learn and Amboss as well.

Pros of Lecturio Question Bank

There are many pros in the Lecturio Question bank which I mention below

  • Detailed question explanations with related videos included
  • Questions contain high quality histology images
  • Spaced repetition feature which lets you know how many cards you have to do
  • Learning path has relevant  playlists of video lectures for a specific topics. For example, you can find a lot of the renal renal diseases in the learning path for Nephrology
  • Video lectures are high quality, simple and short.
  • Very fairly priced. For the amount of questions that your receive the price is definitely worth it. You get both a step 1 and step 2 question bank
  • Adaptive review feature allows you to review just your incorrect questions
  • Concept pages  provide a detailed, informative, and easy to digest synopsis of certain topics.

Cons of Lecturio Question Bank

  • Typing into the search result gives you results from other healthcare specialties such as topics from nursing. This just makes it difficult to find the specific courses that you are looking for. 
  • The search function does not seem to work on certain browser types such as Safari
  • Some of the spaced repetition quizzes are too short. They often times will only 2 to 4 questions.
  • The platform does not allow you to pause your exam and then return to it later. Once you start an exam you have to finish it in that one sitting or just leave your browser window open.

Data tracking

  • Every time you take a custom quiz and submit your score Lecturio shows your score in comparison to other people. It does this for individual quiz attempts as well as your combined performance of all of your quiz attempts.

Is the Lecturio Question Bank user Friendly?

  • Yes Lecturio is very user friendly. The interface is easy to navigate through, and decently organized for the most part. 

Should I get the  Lecturio Question Bank or the Amboss Question Bank?

  • It depends. Both have their pros and cons. With Amboss the questions are more difficult and you have the ability to create custom quizzes based on individual articles. You cannot do this with Lecturio. Although you can make custom quizzes within the Lecturio question bank, you cannot make quizzes on specific pathologies or a specific drug. You can only filter based on subjects and  organ systems

How to use the Lecturio Question Bank

I would not use it right off the bat. I would probably start with a question bank that gives you more targeted practice. Learn the material first and then get to a point in your studies where you are ready to be quizzed. Since there is a limited amount of quality question banks out there, you don’t want to do questions too early on.

The other way that you can use Lecturio is to purchase it early on so that you have access to the video lectures and the other features such as the spaced repetition flashcards. Then as you progress in your school program you can begin to incorporate more board style questions

Additionally you could use it as a final assessment before you take your actual boards. The quality of the questions in Lecturio are good enough that it could definitely serve as a good measuring stick to see how prepared you are for your board or your school exams.

When is the best time to purchase the Lecturio Question bank?

It depends on how you want to use it. But I think the earlier the better. Starting at the beginning or in the middle of MS1 would be the best time to purchase. As mentioned before however you dont want to use up all of the questions too early.

Should you Buy it?

Yes. Overall I  think Lecturio is definitely in my list of the top question banks for medical students. The price range, the unique features, the interface, and the versatility of how it can be used definitely make this a good investment if you are on a tight budget.

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