Review: Is the Question bank and interface worth it? is a learning platform which gives users access to a library anatomy articles and anatomical images, as well as access to an interactive 3D anatomy tool. It is commonly used by medical students as well as other healthcare professionals in training. But how good is Is it worth spending money on? In this Article I will be giving an objective review of


  • has many pros. These are discussed below
  • 3D anatomy images: all of the structures and organ systems have 3D images associated with them. For example in the section for cranial nerves, each slide has a unique 3d image. Additionally the important structures have a red dot as a way to highlight its locationThese 3D images can be moved around by using th toggle function. Additionally, shows the images in multiple views so that you are better able to understand different anatomical structures
  • Color coded structures: The color
  • User friendly interface and navigation: The playlist and slides  are very easy to scroll through. You have the ability to scroll the slides backwards and forwards while at the same time having the screen of the 3D image still up. Having the 3D image right next to the slides is convenient and makes learning very efficient because you dont have to constantly keep switching screens windows.
  • Ability to use audio: the platform allows you to listen to the slides rather than just watching them. To access this feature, you just click on the icon of headphones which is located on the left. This is great for people who are auditory learners.


  • One con is that it lacks any embryology. Other question banks such as med bootcamp have sections and quiz questions that cover embryology.


  • The interface is extremely clean, and simple. As soon as you arrive on the website you are not left wondering which buttons to press, or spending a lot of time looking for the subjects. Everything is laid out in front of you.
  • As soon as you get to the website you start studying by going to the section that you want to study. You can either click on a particular anatomic region or you can study by organ system by clicking on the words that say “Organ Systems.”

How to access the quiz questions

  • To access the quiz questions questions you can just go to the top of the home page which has the option for encyclopedia, Quizzes, blogs, and books. Click on the words that say quizzes.

Quality of the quiz questions

  • Overall i would say the quality of the quiz questions are pretty good. They definitely test your ability to to be able to rcognize structures and what supplies blood as well as innervation to these structures. The questions do not necessarily test anatomy in the context of certain pathologies or in a clinical setting. For instance you are not likely to see a questions such as “Which vessel is at risk of being cut in a hysterectomy. More so the questions are seeing if you have spatial knowledge of where everything is and where it receives blood supply innervation, as well as venous drainage. Personally I think this is a good thing because before you can really even answer questions about clinical anatomy, you need to have a very good understanding and of the basics.
  • Overall the questions are a good challenge. They are easy enough that you can master them in a relatively short amount of time but difficult enough to facilitate growth and a better understanding of the subject. 

How to use it

When is the best time to buy it

  • The best time to use it is whenever you begin taking lab practicals. Although there are no cadaver images to reference in the app this resource will help you get your brain oriented to the general positions of certain anatomical structures and help you begin learning things like blood supply and innervation.

In conclusion is definitely a worthwhile purchase. It is extremely affordable and is a great way to establish a good knowledge foundation before you start looking for cadavers. Even if you are currently using another resource for learning Anatomy, definitely consider adding to your toolkit of study resources. If you found this article helpful you may find the following helpful

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