Ken Hub vs Anatomy BootCamp Question Bank Comparison
When learning Anatomy, It is important for Medical Students to choose a reliable learning tool. Kenhub and Anatomy Bootcamp are two online Anatomy learning tools for medical students. Some medical students use both, and some pick either one or the other. Both of these tools have distinct features, and can be used in a variety of ways. Which one to choose can be a difficult decision to make if you don’t anything about them. In this article, I will be doing a comparison between ken hub and Anatomy, as well as disclosing which one you should choose for studying anatomy
What are the Differences Between KenHub and Anatomy Bootcamp
Kenhub has options of $39.00 monthly, $87.00 every 3 months or $250/00 for a lifetime. However you can get 10% off by using this link here.

Price wise Anatomy bootcamp has options of 47/month, 197 for 1 year, or 347 for 2 years. Additionally you can get get a further discounting my code MUBA20(disclaimer: I will receive a small commission for this)

Cadaver Images
Anatomy Bootcamp contains cadaver images. Kenhub contains cross sections of cadaveric images but does not have the cadaveric images in all planes as Anatomy Bootcamp does. Most of Kenhub’s platform uses computer generated images.
Question Types.
The Kenhub question bank contains a section called Exam question bank. These questions more closely represent anatomy questions that you might see on a multiple choice exam during the pre-clinical years or the USMLE exams.
Anatomy boot camp has a mix of different question types. There are basic identification questions and simply require you to identify a tagged structure which is mainly in the Gross Anatomy section, and there are also Application type questions which require answering questions about the functions, innervations, blood supply and drainage of various organ structures.
Additionally Anatomy Bootcamp has board style questions in the med bootcamp section. If you are looking for questions which will more closely resemble what will be seen on the USMLE exam, then Anatomy Bootcamp is probably a good option for you
Both learning platforms contain content in video format. Kenhub contains videos to go along with each. These videos are strictly to explain the anatomy. In the Kenhub videos they explain concepts such as cranial nerves locations, innervations, and blood supply.
The Anatomy Bootcamp videos do something similar in that their main focus is to explain certain anatomy as clearly as possible. In the Anatomy bootcamp videos however, they will draw out the structure and explain things in a more slow and personable way that does not sound to robotic or difficult to understand.
Subjects offered besides Anatomy?
Anatomy Bootcamp offers
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Embryology
- Histology
Kenhub offers:
- Embryology
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Radiology
Which Subjects Does KenHub and Anatomy Bootcamp Cover
Per section there are more questions which are devoted to covering histology in Anatomy Bootcamp compared to kenhub. While Kenhub contains more basic identification type histology questions, Anatomy Bootcamp contains more board style histology questions.
- Kenhub does contain select articles that covers the Embryology of certain orgain systems. However it is not as comprehensive as Anatomy Bootcamp’s embryology section. In fact embryology is not even listed as one of the headings for the subjects covered on the Kenhub website which is pretty telling that this is not a subject which this platforms covers well Additionally the Kenhub articles that do talk about embryology, do not have questions associated with them
- Anatomy Bootcamp however contains a section for embryology in the medical school bootcamp section within the foundational course section. Additional embryology questions can be found in the main Anatomy Bootcamp course underneath where it says Anatomy Courses.
This is one section which Kenhub has and Anatomy bootcamp does not have.
Other Features of KenHub and Anatomy Bootcamp
- Anatomy Bootcamp is much more organized compared to kenhub. For example the quiz questions in Kenhub, are immediately after each of the video lesson making it very easy to follow a lesson plan and efficiently answer questions afterwards. I personally rate this as a very high feature in a question bank because I do not like watching a video or lesson plan and the having to search around to find the related questions.
- For Kenhub, even tough the questions are on the same page as the lesson,you still have to do a bit of searching to find the blue box
Quality of the written information/articles
- I would say that as far as article information is concerned Ken hub has more robust articles that have an extensive amount of diagrams. One thing I like about the diagrams is that they always show you from which view you are looking at the organ structure. This can be seen in the image above that shows a picture of the cerebellum

- However while ken hub’s articles have a larger volume of information I don’t actually think this makes it better than Anatomy Bootcamp. In fact I think it slightly takes away from Ken hub because it is almost information overload. Some of there articles repeat information which is already stated in the video (which comes with a transcript by the way.)
- On the other hand if we look at anatomy Bootcamp, they do not even have articles, but rather they have downloadable slides which can be watched alongside lessons. I think this is a much better layout because it prevents the user from being overloaded with too much information, and it also is easier to point out the relevant information

Answer explanations
- Kenhub does not have answer explanations at all
- Anatomy Bootcamp contains very detailed explanations for all of their
How do I use KenHub and Anatomy Bootcamp to study
Best way to use Kenhub
- Use it to learn basic anatomical structures. Kenhub is good for exposing your brain to an anatomical region for the first time. For instance if you cannot remember where
- I would not use Kenhub to learn the function of certain anatomical structures. However if Kenhub is all that you have To learn functions of anatomical structures I would use the Exam style questions which can be found in the quiz section
- Ken hub’s application questions are clinical vignettes and they are similar to the anatomy that you might see on the USMLE exam, however unlike Anatomy Bootcamp, you cannot pick out a specific topic that you want to review
Best Way to use Anatomy Bootcamp
- I think Anatomy Bootcamp has a lot more versatility in how it can be used in comparison to Kenhub.
- For example if you only were having trouble identifying 3 dimensional anatomical structures, then you go into the gross anatomy section and begin doing the 100s of gross identification type questions.
- If you were having trouble with clinical anatomy then you could
- Additionally you could use another question bank which has very good clinical anatomy such as Amboss, Stat pearls or even True learn, and select the anatomy discipline in their respective quiz makers and then use the Anatomy Bootcamp video lessons to review any of the questions which you got incorrect.
Which one to pick, Anatomy Bootcamp or KenHub
Truthfully I would 100% go with Anatomy Bootcamp. It has more subjects, More questions, and offers in depth answer explanations for all the questions you miss.
While Kenhub has some benefits, I really do not think that for what the price is you are getting the same value as Anatomy Bootcamp. If you had to only choose 1 then definitely pick Anatomy Bootcamp.
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