5 Best Question banks for Physiology for Medical Students

Undoubtedly physiology,  is a subject  medical students are required to understand thoroughly, and lecture materials often times are not sufficient  for medical students to get a full grasp and adequate practice of the subject. So which resources are out there which contain quality physiology practice questions that medical students can use? This  article provides a list and quality review of the best resources for physiology

1. Amboss

Amboss covers physiological concepts extensively. Additionally If you utilise the study plan feature, the physiological concepts are usually in the beginning of each part of the course. Rather than having  a section that says “physiology” for each organ system, the physiological concepts are covered in individual articles which are relevant to specific organ systems. FOr example, if I wanted to review acids and bases physiology rather than having to look through question sets to see which questions were on acids and bases, I could just go tothe article which says acids and bases disorders which is listed underneath the pulmonology study plan. 

Additionally Because Amboss’ questions are so difficult, it prepares you well for Board and in house  actual exams.

2. Boards and Beyond

Boards and Beyond is well known in the medical education space as one of the most comprehensive video lecture learning platforms. It consists of a variety of topics which are all narrated  by Dr. Ryan who is a cardiologist .

However I think one of the more underrated aspects of Boards and Beyond, is there question bank. All of their questions are written in USMLE style format, and additionally and each answer has very in depth explanations.

One of the positive aspects of this question bank in general is the fact that it allows you to leave a testing session and then pick back up where you left off. This is seen in the quiz history feature. If you are in the middle of quiz session, all you have to do is press suspend and then pick back up where you last left off.

2. Physiology Web.com

This website contains questions that are separated based on organ systems. If there is a specific physiology topic that you want to review, all you have to do is click the section that says Daily Quiz in the upper bar and this takes you to a parge which has subsections denoted by the organ system. Each organ system has  multiple parts which consists form anywhere from 5-20 questions. For example the Endocrinology section has up to 55 parts. In addition to the question banks, 

3. Teach Me physiology

Teach Me Physiology is part of the teachme series which includes other subjects such as Teach me Surgery, Teach Me Anatomy, and TeachMe pediatrics. TeachMe Physiology happens to be free.  

4. Statpearls

Statpearls contains a question bank which is specifically for physiology. Similar to amboss Statpearls allows you to search for the specific physiological concept that you want to discuss, rather than just giving you all of the physiology questions for one organ system. For instance, if I wanted to  do questions specifically on TIdal Volume in the pulmonary unit, rather than just giving me every single physiology question in the unit and then making me search through and find the questions related to tidal volume, Statpearls actually has a specific article on that topic which you can then do the questions for. The only con with statpearls is that the 

5.  Anatomy Bootcamp

This section is primarily known for its content regarding anatomy, however, the medschool bootcamp section contains a section that covers physiology. The questions for physiology are separated into mini quiz question sessions called “bites.” THese questions can can be answered directly at the end of the lesson, or they can be answered separately as bites.