Is Kenhub Premium Membership Worth it?: Ken hub Question Bank Review
Kenhub is a learning platform which contains articles covering human anatomy radiology and histology along with an atlas of associated images. In addition to this it contains a question banks with thousands of questions covering topics in the anatomical sciences.
KenHub prices are $39.00/month for 1 month, $29.00/month for 3 months, and $250.00 for a lifetime subscription.

Kenhub divides the topics into body region. For example clicking the to the main page will display all of the body regions: upper limb, lower limb, spine and neck, Thirax, abdomen, and Pelvis and perineum
Clicking within one of these sections then brings you into the subcategores of each body region. For example. If we click the thorax region this takes us to all the categories within this region which includes THoracic Wall, Female Breasts, Madeiastinum, Lungs, heart, and Diaphragm.
Pressing start on the right hand side of any of these sections then takes you to the article and quizzes associated with each section. Kenhub organizes each lesson in a very structured way. The guided lessons begin with a “watch a video” feature then have a “take a quiz feature,” which contains three separate types of interactive quizzes then finally the third part of each article is the “browse atlas” feature which contains a variety of anatomical images and key facts.
Quiz question format
There are 3 different types of quiz questions which are basic identification, advanced identification, exam questions (Question Bank), and intelligent mix questions.
The basic identification questions are essentially questions in which there are four images of a region of the body and you are asked to identify the correctly which picture contains the correctly highlighted image.
The advanced identification questions ask you to take it a step further and you actually have to write in the correct answer that they are looking for that corresponds to what they have highlighted in green
The Exam question types test your ability to use your anatomical knowledge to figure out situations which would arise in a clinical setting. They do not simply test your ability to identify to identify a certain anatomical region or feature.
Which other subjects does Kenhub have?
Kenhub also has question banks for histology as well as well as a section for radiology. It should be noted however that none of the sections on radiology contain exam level questions, they are all wither Basic Identification, or Advanced identification.
Alternatives to Kenhub
The best alternatives to Kenhub I would say are Anatomy Bootcamp, and Teach Me Anatomy. Teach Me Anatomy is a good option because it comes out to being 10 dollars a month which is a cheaper than Kenhub. Additionally, with Teach Me Anatomy you still get high quality questions and an extensive atlas of images. The only downside to Teach Me Anatomy is that it does not have histology for every organ system and it also does not have radiology section which is specific to each organ system. Anatomy Boot Camp is a good alternative to Kenhub because it includes Cadaver images as well as “application” type quiz questions. Price wise anatomy bootcamp is around the same price, but the system allows you flexibility in paying as it gives you the option of splitting your payment in 4 separate payments with Zip.
What needs to be improved about Kenhub
One major feature that Kenhub needs to add is a feedback section for the quiz questions. After you answer a question in the quiz section, It simply tells you if you got the question correct or incorrect, but does not tell you more than that. Additionally I think Kenhub should keep in mind who mostly buys the product. There are some sections that include quiz questions on parts of the body that are low yield for exam purposes. The final critique of kenhub is that there needs to be included some way of recording your quiz attempts. If you exit the Kenhub window, the system automatically makes you start all over. This issue could be fixed by having a suspend quiz option or even some type of Save and continue later function.
Best Way to use KenHub
The best way to use KenHub is to use it before you begin looking at cadaver images when you are studying for a lab practical. The KenHub platform does not contain cadaver images so I would not rely on KenHub as my only resource for studying for lab practicals.
Is it helpful for USMLE board exams?
The KenHub question bank can help with the USMLE exam because some of the questions are written in a board style format. Additionally the anatomy questions in the Exam setting are more clinically focused around different pathologies. For example instead of asking you a question such as “Which of the following is the 4th intercostal space?” The questions may ask you something like “In which intercostal space should a chest tube be placed in a patient with a pneumothorax?.”
I would not rely only on Ken Hub for studying for board exams but it can certainly help you have a more strong understanding of anatomy.
Does KenHub go over Muscles?
Yes, Ken Hub does go over muscles. All of the muscles are divided by upper limb, lower limb, spine and back and more. You can see all of the categories below.

Does KenHub have a free trial?
KenHub allows you to register for free and have access to free features which include access to the anatomy atlas and articles. However having a paid premium membership gives you access to more quiz questions and the videos. Access to other features can be seen below.

Should you buy it
Yes, I do believe you should buy Kenhub. Despite the steep price, Kenhub in general has a lot of features which can really help to supplement your learning of anatomy. The versatility of question types is a rather uncommon feature among question banks and I think this makes it worth the purchase. Additionally the 3D anatomy images are of a high quality.

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